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Sessions & Rates

How long is a BodyTalk session?

A BodyTalk session, whether in person or by distance, lasts between 45-60 minutes.  Before the first session, the client will be asked to fill out an intake form.  Allow more time for your first BodyTalk balance to discuss the form.

What happens in an in-person session?

The client lies fully clothed on the treatment table.  The practitioner uses muscle testing and a protocol chart to find out what the priority for healing is, where the communication in the body needs to be restored, and what some of the stresses and belief systems (often unconscious) are that need to be released. Then we use gentle, noninvasive tapping on the head, heart and gut brains to activate the change.  

How does a distance session work?

Distance sessions can be in real time using Zoom or FaceTime OR they can be done and recorded for you to listen to at your convenience. Many people enjoy the recordings so they can listen to it several times. Distance sessions are as powerful as in-person sessions.  It is a matter of preference.


How often should I have a BodyTalk session?

A package of three is recommended for best results.  Sometimes one session is enough to create a big shift, however, each session uncovers deeper and deeper layers (a bit like the layers of an onion). BodyTalk heals in order of priority so once something is balanced, we move on to the next priority.  At the end of a session, we always ask if a follow up is needed and when. Some clients like regular sessions to ensure a feeling of well-being. Some clients prefer booking when they feel the need.   

In-Person Sessions and Distance Sessions


$90 CAD single session


$255 CAD for a bundle of 3 ($85 each)*

$400 CAD for a bundle of 5 ($80 each)**


*A package of 3 sessions is highly recommended for the best results. 


**A package of 5 sessions may be shared between family members.




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In-Person Session  available in Sidney, BC, Canada

Distance Sessions available world-wide.


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